Children in Treatment: A Primer for Beginning Psychotherapists

191 pages

Integrates psychodynamic theory with methodology and techiques, and offers advice about how to proceed in clinical work with children and their families. Part 1 portrays the philosophy underlying the techniques and objectives in helping children and families grow and progress, with emphasis on developmental points of stress.

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Integrates psychodynamic theory with methodology and techiques, and offers advice about how to proceed in clinical work with children and their families. Part 1 portrays the philosophy underlying the techniques and objectives in helping children and families grow and progress, with emphasis on developmental points of stress. Part 2 addresses treatment modalities, confidentiality, appointment scheduling, fees, toys, and play. Part 3 deals with the beginnings of clinical work, emphasizing the diagnostic workup, the use of various aids in assessment, the problem of beginning again (as in transferred cases and vacations), and issues inherent in work with parents.

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AuthorsShirley Cooper
Leon Wanerman