Perspectives in Psychological Theory: Essays in Honor of Heinz Werner


14 articles were written for Heinz Werner on the occasion of his 70th birthday. They cover the topics of emotion, perception, values, cognition, and development. A chronological bibliography of publications by Werner is included.

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14 articles were written for Heinz Werner on the occasion of his 70th birthday. They cover the topics of emotion, perception, values, cognition, and development. A chronological bibliography of publications by Werner is included.

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AuthorsSilvano Arieti
Solomon E. Asch
Harriet Nerlove
Jerome S. Bruner
George S. Klein
Tamara Dembo
Kurt Goldstein
Roman Jakobson
Norman R.F. Maier
Abraham H. Maslow
Gardner Murphy
David Rapaport
Martin Scheerer
Maurice D. Huling
Theodore C. Schneirla
Herman A. Witkin
EditorsBernard Kaplan
Seymour Wapner