This is the first inexpensive edition of this classic in modern psychology. Written by an associate of Freud’s who made important contributions to the theory of transference, the analytic situation in general, and improved techniques of therapy, this volume contains an enormous amount of material of permanent value to either the student of psychoanalysis or the general reader.
Thirteen chapters present countless insights and aperçus on such
topics as:
- impotence, its interpretation and treatment
- transference in the healing process
- analysis and children
- dreams and their analysis
- obscene words and their power
- masturbation, male homosexuality
- paranoia and psychoanalytic theory
- the development of the sense of reality
- the origin of symbols; the eye symbol, symbols of pleasure
- pathological interest in money
- hypnotism and its efficacy in therapy
These papers are marked by great erudition in medical and psychological theory, literature, religion, and other fields of expression, and present a wealth of illustrative material and case studies. Emphasis is upon concordance of theory with observed clinical data, and practical therapeutic application of theory. Presentation is simple, non-technical, and may be followed by almost any intelligent reader.
Also included is the complete text of The Development of Psychoanalysis, by S. Ferenczi and Otto Rank, originally published as a separate book. This monograph is an investigation of the analytical situation, with a full discussion of method, various theories and techniques, reciprocal effect of theory and practice, unwinding of libido, resistances, and similar topics. Unaltered, unabridged reprints of the authorized translations of Sex in Psycho-Analysis: Contributions to Psycho-Analysis, and The Development of Psycho-Analysis, both in one volume. Translator’s preface. Total of 366pp.