In the few years since its publication, the three-volume Life and Work of Sigmund Freud, by Ernest Jones, has been recognized as both the definitive life of Freud and an authentic classic of biography.
Freud’s childhood and adolescence; the excitement and trials of his four-year engagement to Martha Bernays, as revealed in their love letters; his early experiments with hypnotism and cocaine; the incredible freeing of his creative powers through self-analysis; the slow rise of his reputation and the constant battles against distortion and personal slander; the painful defections of some of his close associates; the years of international eminence; the onset of the cancer from which he suffered for sixteen years; his seizure by the Gestapo in Nazified Austria; his stoicism in the face of an agonizing death — all this is unfolded in a set of books that remains, in the words of The New York Times, “one of the outstanding biographies of the age.”