The Psychiatric Treatment of Adolescents


Adolescence is a period of life that seems to stir controversy naturally. Maybe this stems from memories of or identification with the uncertainties and rebelliousness that are so common for this developmental phase, but controversy and divisiveness there usually are.

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Adolescence is a period of life that seems to stir controversy naturally. Maybe this stems from memories of or identification with the uncertainties and rebelliousness that are so common for this developmental phase, but controversy and divisiveness there usually are. Some of the more obvious examples center on whether or not emotional turmoil is ubiquitous during adolescence, whether or not psychoanalysisis possible or useful during adolescence, and whether the training for the treatment for adolescents is best linked with the treatment of children, of adults, or should be considered a unique subspecialty. Because these debates have been going on so long and are usually counterproductive, it is with hopeful anticipation that one approaches a volume that promises to provide a unifying overview to the area of the psychiatric treatment of adolescents. This anticipation is especially high when the book is edited by an authority of the stature of Dr. Esman, a psychoanalyst who has had a long and successful career working with this age group.

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EditorAaron H. Esman